Our Story

Great group fitness experiences create communities. Every participant contributes uniquely to the team. The best instructors are leaders. We are better together!

GOAT Santa Cruz is born from adversity, innovation, perseverance and great optimism for the future. In 2020 the Coronavirus devastated our physical health and local economy and upended our social support networks.

Indoor exercise facilities were shuttered and long-time instructors were unable to teach. These experienced fitness leaders represented large communities of group training enthusiasts. In times of great struggle, we need our friends, support networks, healthy routines and physical outlets.

Throughout these difficult times, our community kept reaching out. You wanted a place to enjoy a group fitness experience. You asked for opportunities to augment your new virtual fitness programs with an in-person, connected, fitness routine. GOAT Santa Cruz is our response to you; our amazing community!

Through an exhaustive location search, meticulous equipment sourcing, and (most importantly) massive local support, GOAT Santa Cruz brings together the core elements necessary to sustain a thriving group fitness experience.

We are proud to have met this unique moment in time and we are thrilled to continue training with you. Our mission remains simple: offer an engaging group fitness experience in an open-air setting for participants at all fitness levels.

We continue to achieve success by providing a fully equipped, inviting space, available to anyone interested in experiencing the awesome benefits of group training.

We can’t wait to train with you!